Update Terbaru Build 1.7.1b Zen Browser

Saya pengguna baru Zen Browser dari mozilla firefox, Zen Browser turunan firefox dengan engine Gecko. Zen Browser ini cukup ringan di pc saya.

Karena Zen Browser ini masih versi Beta buat kamu, ingin mencoba menggunakan Zen Browser bisa download sekarang.

Nah baru-baru ini zen browser merilis pembaruan peramban web, ya lumayan cukup banyak changelog perbaikian dan tambah fitur. Berikut ini isi daftar pembaruan Zen Browser:

Perbaikan Zen Browser:

  • Fixed essentials and pinned tabs not being correctly restored when using multiple windows
  • Fixed bookmarks failing to correctly initialize when using multiple windows
  • Fixed 1password always prompting for password with the message ‘It looks like Firefox has been updated’
  • Fixed macos users having all toolbar buttons on the right side
  • Fixed having one extra pixel on the web views, leading to weird UI
  • Refactored overall UI and spacings
  • Fixed unloading tabs still taking up memory
  • Fixed essentials being deleted when closing the last window
  • Fixed split views leading to weird margins
  • Fixed the sidebar thinking the mouse is over them when it’s not
  • Workspaces no longer run into problems caused by timing issues. This means a big improvement in reliability, especially when using multiple windows or processes at the same time
  • Fixed unloading tabs while having the devtools open
  • Fixed essentials trying to duplicate them before all windows have been restored
  • Fixed weird margins when using the web panels
  • Fixed animations when trying to switch workspaces but no other workspace exists
  • Fixed dialogs having bad contrast on some themes
  • Fixed the sidebar thinking it’s being hovered when opening the URL bar
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Fitur Zen Browser:

  • Made compact mode individual for each window
  • New shadows, colors, fonts, spacing and animations!
  • Pinned tabs wont have a scrollbar (or max height) anymore unless it covers 90% of the screen
  • Compact mode delay before closing has been reduced
  • New compact mode animations and feel
  • Made the sidebar icons overflow! Meaning the size wont matter anymore on the number of top icons
  • Tweaked values for windows to provide a more native feel

Perubahan konfigurasi:

  • Changed default setting for ‘Essentials favicon in background’ to false, These settings will be better handled once we have a customized settings page (toggle zen.theme.essentials-favicon-bg in about:config to change it back)
  • Changed the about:config ‘close window with last tab’ default value to false

Nah buat kamu yang udah menggunakan Zen Browser tapi belum update, caranya mudah Klik Tiga Titik  ->Help->About Zen.

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Bang Yogi

Saya ingin melihat-lihat untuk mendapatkan ide segar dan kadang-kadang hanya duduk dan bekerja di depan komputer berjam-jam.

Articles: 528

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